Social security law


The lawyers and specialists of our firm assist companies in specific and sensitive areas, particularly in view of the financial stakes, workplace accidents and occupational diseases.

This branch of law also covers all the company’s relations with URSSAF.

Our main interventions in social security law:


    Assistance to companies in declaring and following up on workplace accident and occupational disease files, management of their Workplace Accident/Occupational Disease rates

    • Assistance to the employer in drafting the Workplace Accident declaration and any reservations.
    • Assistance in the follow-up of the examination of the file by the CPAM and support in the investigation phase.
    • In liaison with the firm’s litigation department, assistance in drafting observations, disputes and appeals in the event of recognition of Workplace Accidents/Occupational Diseases.
    • Challenging partial permanent disability rates, accountability, duration of work stoppages, participation in assessment phases.
    • Analysis and audit of employer accounts determining the annual contribution rate on the basis of CARSAT allocations (Social Security daily allowance, pensions, etc.).
    • Assistance in litigation files relating to the recognition of gross negligence on the part of the employer, liaison with the company’s insurers.


      Assistance to companies in the context of URSSAF audits and reassessments

      • Assistance to the employer during the audit phase, drafting responses to observation letters.
        • In liaison with the firm’s litigation department, assistance to employers in the context of challenging reassessments and formal notices both in the context of amicable recourse (amicable appeals committee) and judicial recourse (former TASS, now the labour division of the Judicial Court).

        Your lawyers
        in social security law

        Arnaud COCHERIL - en savoir +



        +33 (0)4 77 33 12 06

        Olivier DUBOST - en savoir +



        +33 (0)4 77 33 12 06

        Marie DAN



        +33 (0)4 77 33 12 06

        Amandine SAPT

        Marie Laure

        Associate legal counsel

        +33 (0)4 77 33 12 06

        Amandine SAPT


        Legal assistant

        +33 (0)4 77 33 12 06

        Disponibilite et réactivité

        Availability and Responsiveness

        Proximité et prestations sur mesure

        Proximity and Tailor-made services 

        Rigueur et pragmatisme

        Rigour and Pragmatism

        Secret professionnel

        Professional secrecy

        Clarte des honoraires

        Clarity of fees